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  3. Protective clothing industry meets hyperinflation challenges

Many industries are facing increased prices. The protective clothing industry is subject to supply chain challenges and is making plans to tackle increased costs.

As per a report by Innovation in Textiles, according to Jelle Stratman, a protective clothing expert, there are three main causes of hyperinflation in the protective clothing sector: The war in Ukraine, the container crisis and rising energy costs.

The war in Ukraine has caused a high demand for fabrics used for the military, and this has caused a shortage of aramid polymer fibres available for other markets.

The cost of container shipping from Asia has risen sixfold, and a shortage of containers has meant shipping delays. For example, protective clothing made in Pakistan used to take between four and six weeks to reach Europe. It currently can take months.

The energy crisis has seen energy costs escalate. This is partly caused by a halt in energy exports from Russia. Oil is used in the manufacture of protective clothing, and this now costs a lot more than in recent years.

Many of the reasons for the price increases and shortages are not likely to go away in the short term. However, protective clothing manufacturers and retailers are meeting these challenges by being more flexible.

New textile manufacturing sources are being found. Manufacturers are purchasing materials earlier and faster and are finding better prices.

While some price increases in protective clothing are inevitable, by evolving new and more effective business strategies, the protective clothing industry is able to limit cost increases.

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