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  3. New app helps businesses deal with health and safety incidents


A new app launched by Scottish legal firm Brodies is helping businesses deal with their health and safety obligations, and provides guidance when dealing with safety incidents.


Called Health and Safety by Brodies, the app has a checklist to help users with their first response following an incident.


Brodies health and safety expert Elena Spry said:

“The UK has a well-established health and safety legislative framework designed to set out what business’ health and safety legal obligations are. But dealing with an incident or a visit from the HSE can be difficult and stressful.”


The new app is designed to make reporting incidents easy and less stressful by guiding users step by step through the necessary process following an incident. The system covers everything that needs to be done after an incident, including securing the area, photographing evidence, dealing with injuries, obtaining witness reports, reporting to the regulators and investigating the incident.


The app also gives advice on seeking legal representation in case there could be legal action by an injured employee or the Health and Safety Executive.


Most employers take responsibility for their employees’ safety and have safety procedures such as protective workwear, safety equipment on machinery and safety training designed to prevent injuries. If there are any breaches or accidents, it is vital that the correct procedures are followed, a full investigation is carried out, and lessons are learnt so that similar incidents cannot happen in the future.

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