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  3. HSE to review Twinlakes ride fiasco

Twinlakes, a leading tourist attraction in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, is under scrutiny by the the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in light of a recent incident at the theme park.

On August 16, one of the park's indoor rides broke down, causing all passengers to be thrown off and find themselves covered in hydraulic liquid. The fluid may be a nonfactor for staff in the appropriate workwear, but these were visitors to the park.

David Tuckwell, a grandfather, waited for his wife, along with three of their grandchildren, while watching them being entertained by the ride.

Speaking to the Leicester Mercury, he said:

“Out of nowhere, there was an almighty bang and it dropped them to the ground before some sort of liquid started gushing down onto them.

“I shouted for them to get out as quickly as possible.

“I had no idea what the liquid was and I was worried it could burn them.”

Tuckwell also observed a girl sat opposite to his family, who he described as “screaming in terror.”

He added that the theme park was slow to respond and that calls from Twinlakes management never came, despite promises.

A letter was eventually sent, in which Twinlakes apologised for the distress caused. They also compensated the family with £323 for new clothes, as well as enclosing a number of annual passes with the letter.

The firm also wrote that it intended the message to be a reassuring one to the family.

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