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  3. Energy company appeals health and safety fine

Scottish Power was fined earlier this year, following a guilty plea for failings in its health and safety procedures at the plant in Fife, but it has now launched an appeal.

The fine was handed to the Glasgow based company in June this year, by Dunfermline Sheriff Court, reduced from £2.5m to £1.75m due to an early plea from the company. However, according to a spokesperson for Scottish Power, the company has lodged an appeal against the amount based on the new sentencing regulations introduced in England for health and safety cases.

David Roscoe, a controller at the company, was severely scalded when he tried to prevent the escape of steam from a defective valve in October 2013. The court heard that Scottish Power had been aware of the defective valve for four years, yet no action had been taken to repair it. Sheriff Charles MacNair was critical of the firm's safety procedures and issued the fine, after reducing it for an early plea of guilty.

Roscoe has had to undergo skin graft surgery and has not been able to make a successful return to work following the incident. Shortly before it occurred, a contractor had noticed that steam was escaping from the valve, and had reported it using a work order card. The Health and Safety Executive stated that the company had not taken steps to repair or remove the valve, and had breached Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

Although the use of PPE is required to help maintain safety, in some cases further action is required to prevent illness or injury to workers.

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