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  3. Call goes out for volunteers as cold weather approaches

With a vicious cold snap predicted to be just around the corner, calls are going out for volunteers to be the eyes, ears and muscles of the vulnerable.

One such area is starting its search for helpers in good time too, as it announces its campaign to attract 'Snow Angels'. Named after the fun shapes you can make by lying back in the snow and moving your arms and legs to the side, the search in Upton in Chester is well under way.

Called the Snow Angels primarily in association with clearing snow from walkways, the volunteers are asked to do much more. For example, in previous years they have helped walk dogs, collect and deliver shopping or just spend a bit of time chatting with the elderly.

Announcing the 2014 campaign, local councillor Jill Houlbrook said:

“Anyone volunteering to be a Snow Angel will have an important role and could be a vital lifeline for an elderly or vulnerable Upton resident or simply a friend when one is needed.”

Anyone that has an hour or more to spend is willing to apply to be an Angel, whilst all protective workwear  and equipment will be provided. Everyone will be fully trained in the tasks they are asked to do too.

All volunteers will be supported by the Chester Voluntary Action group.

The older people's champion in the parish, Keith Board is also backing the scheme. The local councillor said they can really make a big difference in bad weather.

He went on to add that anyone thinking they may need help throughout the winter should register on the scheme.

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